Saturday, March 19, 2011


Almost a month since my last post.  I have been swamped to be honest but at the same time, I don't feel like that's a legit excuse.  It's the truth, but I don't know if that's really a good enough reason not to write.  Writing has, and always should be, an escape for me, a way to clear my head.  And boy has there been a lot in there lately.  I'm in my third to last semester (hopefully).  Just recently, I went and talked to my advisor about what classes I should be taking for next semester.  I can't believe it was time for that already.

I stil don't like that I had to retake my intro film class but I have to say I've been producing videos that are far better than most of the ones that I made the first time around and these will (hopefully) work for my 303 portfolio.  Al least one or two anyways.  303, is Individual Art review.  That's were the art teachers decide whether you're good enough to go out into the real world (more or less).  You get three tries and then your out.  hopefully I only need one.  I'm praying for that.

Speaking of prayer, I may have had one answered.  I'll be needing a place to stay after I graduate assuming I don't move elsewhere which I hope I don't do right away.  I like it here.  This town is a wonderful place and I would like to live here again some day.  I leaning towards summer home, although my family has a cabin in Minnesota that I would be neglecting if I lived here.  I'll have to get back to you on that one.  I do love the area though and I would like the chance to appreciate it without the commitment of a class schedule before I DO go off into the real world.

Wow I got off on a tangent.

I have a friend who called me the other day seeing what I was doing the other day.  It had been a while since we had talked.  He told me that he wants to come back to the area (he lives in Sawyer) and get a job and live here again and he wanted to know if I would live with him.   I told him I really wouldn't be looking for another year yet but asked if he thought he'd still be offering then.  It seemed like he would be although God has moved him around a lot in the past few years and I won't be surprised if he has another assignment for him by the time I'm ready to take him up on the offer.   Still, it seems like i was given this information for a reason.  I pray that it's the right thing for me to do.

In other news, I now have four video's uploaded onto my youtube account.  I know, people already out there have a whole lot more and that isn't how many I've made but uploading them takes longer than I thought it would.  So I'm just uploading them here and there.  Kinda of like an installment series, even though the only thing any of the video's have in common is that they are all my projects and that they're shot in Marquette.

So, let's see if I can't get back on the writing train.  I need to have four pages of a story written by wednesday and the rest of it done by the wednesday after that.  And, whether it's on here, in a notebook, or in a word document on my laptop titled "Half hour exercise," I need to write everyday.  Even if it's only a few words on a page.  So I pray for diligence with that as well as reading, specifically the Bible.  I'd like it to be everyday.  I don't know if I will, but I would like too.  Maybe then I'll write more often...write about what I read about.  We'll see.

In the mean time,

Your's In Writing