Wednesday, December 28, 2011

All Inspiration & No Planning

Last night my parents and I went to the new Sherlock Holmes movie.  I don’t know why the critics gave it such a bad review.  It was quite excellent.  My parents had a couple of problems with it and I agreed with one of them but they were small instances and overall they thought it was very good as well.

The movie inspired me to work on a Sherlock Holmes story I began writing a while back.  I haven’t started yet but I’d like to.  It’s a lot of fun writing in that Victorian/Conan Doyle style.  It’s something that’s already been established that you don’t have to invent.  That’s probably one of the reasons so many people write fan-fiction, besides that fact that they are a fan of a certain show.  I think it’s easier writing for an established character(s) than it is to make up a new character on your own.

I know in writing classes and books about writing, you are encouraged to do character profiles before you dive into writing a book or a story.  Create your character before you write a story about him or her.  But you still don’t necessarily know every little nuance and quirk from that profile that you’ve created and you still have to make some things up as you go.

But even with previously created characters, you still have to come up with a story line.  And I’m aware that part of writing (and likewise part of the creative process) is imagination and invention.  It’s just that I have a tendency to begin writing something and just fly by the seat of my pants…every time.  I rarely plan things out and I know some people are good at this and probably do this all the time.  I just do it because I can’t help myself. A small spark of inspiration and then I run with it.  And I run and run and before I know it I’m lost in the woods and have no idea how to find my way out.  All I can do is either stay there or move forward a few feet at a time.  Either way, it gets slow real fast.

Maybe I ran too far with that analogy like I do with some of my story ideas…