Friday, February 10, 2012

Insomnia The Third

Chemically Induced insomnia.  The culprit?  A delicious, caffeine infused smoothie from Smoothie King. Watching How I Met Your Mother seems to be doing the trick.  Not that it puts me to sleep...It doesn''s an amazing show.  But watching the screen is making my eyes tired.  I know...not an incredibly ponderous blog post but I just wanted to make an update.


Friday, 1:59pm...The next day.

So to be fair, that was a fairly short post and rather an making another one, I thought I'd just edit the one I already created.  Besides it's really the same story.

The smoothie is still kicking.  I decided that though I could keep watching TV shows, I did need to sleep eventually so I finally went to bed around quarter to five and then woke up five hours later not feeling very rested.  I would have slept longer but I had work in a half hour, a shift which I had been late to once and too early to twice and I didn't want to mess it up again.  I was feeling groggy but when I got to work the caffeine that was still in my system picked up where it left off when I went to sleep.  I still feel groggy but I'm tired too.  It's similar to when you're really tired and you start getting punchy from a second wind?  It's sort of like that except I don't feel like I have that second wind.  I feel really sleepy but I'm acting like I'm energetic.  Alright so that sound the same, but I promise you it's different.

The good thing that I got from all of this is that I know what I can get when I'm going to need to stay up for long hours.  See, I consumed that smoothie between the hours of 3 and 5 (it was a medium).  And instead of feeling the effects from the caffeine and the sugar with in the following hour or so, it was as though the caffeine was slowly released into my blood stream continuously even now, nearly 22 hours later.

This smoothie has great power, to be used only in extreme circumstances. Because, in the words of Uncle Ben Parker with great power comes great responsibility.

Your's In Writing