Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Golden Oldie

I feel old.  It was my birthday last month.  January 23rd.  I turned 24.  Last year, as I'm sure you can deduce on your own, was my Golden Birthday.  It was something that I had looked forward to for as long as I knew what a "golden birthday" was.  And now it's gone, as is all the time before it.  And I feel old.  We spend a large part of our lives in anticipation of something, our birthday, a holiday, the weekend, hanging out with a friend, even just the end of the day.  We do this so much, we often forget to enjoy the moments we are in. And before you know it, you're old.  Did I mention I feel old?  I know I'm not.  But this is the oldest I've been.  My entire life has led up to this moment, typing my thoughts on this laptop.  I'm not saying it's been for this.  But each day helps build you and prepares you for the next.  And this is where I am at this moment.

Though I wish I would have enjoyed the moments more and held on to the present in those years preceding 2012, looking back from this January 23rd to the last, my twenty third year of existence truly was a golden year.  I had my golden birthday to start it off.  I went through my last semester of undergraduate schooling. I graduated.  My girlfriend and I decided to part ways but still stay friends, something I will always appreciate. I moved back home. Got to work with my dad again in the family business.  I rekindled a friendship with an old friend.  Made a few new ones.  Started going to church again, went bowling on Thursdays and went to church group on Fridays.  I went back to the cabin for the first time in three years.  I told one my best friends in the world that I cared for her more than I had cared for anyone else that I knew - and she told me she thought of me as a friend, but that is perfectly okay and more than I could have ever asked for and I will always view her as one of my best friends; I am blessed to have her in my life. I went to the Minnesota State Fair where my parents and I caught up with some more old friends. I went to my cousins wedding down state. Bought some video equipment while in Minnesota for the holidays.  I was in community chorus.  I was in community theater where I met some AMAZING people. I laughed. I cried. I lived.

Here's to my "Golden Year" - what a year it was - and to the many years to come.  May they be filled with adventure. And may God guide me in my travels and pursuits.  I can't wait to see what's in store for me next.

Your's In Writing