Wednesday, May 4, 2016

New Job!

I have a new job! It's exciting! Full time! Lot's of exclamation marks! OOOoooooOOOoooo!!!!!!!!!!

Some People

There are some people that come in to your lives, if only for a moment.

I should be able to get over it I suppose. I shouldn't need to care about it this much. But that's the trouble with being me. I'll care about everyone I've met, all the time, for the rest of my life. Will I think of them for all of that time? Of course not. Some people have a bigger impact on our lives than others. Not everyone sticks. But everyone does matter.

But there are some people that stick more than others. That have a bigger impact. Some people, I do think of a lot. Maybe not all the time. Maybe. But often enough I assure you. Some people are on my mind more often than I wish they were. People who have long given up on me by now, I'm sure. Who have...outgrown me. Or so it would seem.

And though I understand (I guess) I don't think I could ever let go of them. Or at the very least those moments long since gone where I was in their lives and they were in mine. They feel like a dreams now.

I wonder what they think of when they think of me.

Your's In Writing