Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

The end of the semester, and Christmas Break, is three days away. There's snow on the ground, there's a winter chill in the air and people are getting merrier the closer that time of year comes. A month of being at home with family and friends that I haven't seen in a while. It will be a welcomed reprieve from the nut house that is campus life.

As glad as I am, though, that Christmas Break IS finally here, it came all to fast. I remember moving in to the dorms last year for the first time, a few days before school started. The only person I knew was my roommate whom I had known since Kindergarten...oh and a couple others around campus. Now, here it is, nearing the end of the my 3rd semester at college. Where did all the time go? I've met all kinds of people, new friends and maybe even some enemies; who knows? It has been an interesting semester, full of drama, action, adventure, despair, and just about any other cliche romance novel emotion and or twist that you can think of. But all of it has been a learning experience for me and all very different from last year.

Last year was me getting my feet wet. I took some classes, didn't do to shabby in them and came out all right. I thought, "Hey, that wasn't so bad after all." And then I came here this year and someone pushed me into the pool. I won't go into great detail but suffice it to say that not everything went exactly my way. I stepped out on a few limbs this year which is really good for me, but then they broke and I fell out of the tree. I even managed to take a few others out of the tree on my way out. And even now, as my final grades are about to be revealed, I am worried that they won't turn out as well as I had hoped, but that's were I've got to have faith. Faith that God will help me where I need it. Oh, and i've got to pray: for my friends, for my fellow students, for my teachers, and for me. I pray and have faith that when we return from break, my slate will be clean and I will have a chance at a brand new semester that will go a thousand times better than this one has.

And I pray for all of you as well. I pray that even though we all go through hardships and troubles in our lives, that you will remember that God is there to pick you up, dry you off, and walk you back to safety, just as he was and is there for me.

Your's In Writing

Monday, December 1, 2008

To Whom It May Concern

Well, myspace blogs and facebook notes are a start but its time for me to step out on a ledge into this inter web that we have available to us. This is me taking that step, that leap into the big leagues of blogging. I am not an authority on writing, though I am minoring in it, and so this is me learning as i go along, step by step, day by day, and blog by blog, and I would be honored if you came along to walk with me.

Writing is my escape. It's where I go when I need to get away. Writing can take you anywhere you want to go: outer space, underwater, back and forward in time, to another dimension; the possibilities are endless. Writing is a God given talent that i am honored he has entrusted me with and plan to fine tune it to God's will. God is a big part of my life. He's kind of the reason I'm here. I have yet to be unimpressed by the mystery that is the creator of the universe. To think that he has always existed and will never stop existing. A being with no beginning and no end.

I hope you are intrigued and want to hear more...I don't know what I'll have but I promise it will be genuine and from the heart, and as I learn, I will share with you the lessons that life and God throw my way.

Your's In Writing