Monday, December 1, 2008

To Whom It May Concern

Well, myspace blogs and facebook notes are a start but its time for me to step out on a ledge into this inter web that we have available to us. This is me taking that step, that leap into the big leagues of blogging. I am not an authority on writing, though I am minoring in it, and so this is me learning as i go along, step by step, day by day, and blog by blog, and I would be honored if you came along to walk with me.

Writing is my escape. It's where I go when I need to get away. Writing can take you anywhere you want to go: outer space, underwater, back and forward in time, to another dimension; the possibilities are endless. Writing is a God given talent that i am honored he has entrusted me with and plan to fine tune it to God's will. God is a big part of my life. He's kind of the reason I'm here. I have yet to be unimpressed by the mystery that is the creator of the universe. To think that he has always existed and will never stop existing. A being with no beginning and no end.

I hope you are intrigued and want to hear more...I don't know what I'll have but I promise it will be genuine and from the heart, and as I learn, I will share with you the lessons that life and God throw my way.

Your's In Writing

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