Friday, June 8, 2012

Oops, I did it again.

Once again it has been too long since I've written last.  Let's see...

I graduated on the 5th of May, moved home on the 9th and am now looking for a job or two to save up some money to move back to Marquette.  I love it up there.  I love home too but for some reason I've just adopted Marquette.  I get all excited for my future when I'm up there.  Even if that's not where my future will be.  I don't know.  I hope it is.  At least part of it.  I know the last five years have gone by in a flash.

I'm going over some of my writings from all my writing classes.  I should have been uploading them all along but again, I get distracted and then out of the discipline of posting.  As always, it is my hope that I can get back into it again.

I DID get a job in Marquette.  Part time, but it's something.  I can't move up there yet because I won't be making enough to afford an apartment AND everything else I'll need to be spending money on.  But it's a step in the right direction.  Maybe if I can get another part-time job here at home and then commute, I can save up enough money to move up there in the fall.

I've been visiting.  About an average of once a week.  A day here, a few days there.  It's been nice.  I miss living there and I look forward to the potential of living there again in the near future.  For now though, I am enjoying my time here at home.

In other news, I'm writing more.  Not on here of course though I would like that to change!  But I've been writing here and there.  Now I just need to do that with videos.  Especially videos seeing as that's what my degree is in.

Anyway, that's all for now.  Off to Marquette in the morning for a visit/work training.  Going to watch Torchwood, fold laundry and go to bed.

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