Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Toast to the New Year!

The year of 2008 has come and gone, and all too fast I might add. It has been a year of adventure, of failure, of success, of joy, of sorrow...we look back on this year, on the memories it has given us, the lessons it has taught us, the wonders of life it has shown us...and we find that we have grown, learned from our mistakes, from those failures and from the sorrow.

I've come along way from starting out at college a year and a half ago. Not to say that I don't have a long way to go still, but a lot of lessons have come my way...

One of these is that you can't dwell on the big things all the time. I've heard people say we "need to look at the big picture." Well, that's what I've been doing for a while now and it's slowed me up. Those big goals that I want to accomplish in the future have taken my focus away from what is happening right now in my life. I had totally lost the desire to stop and smell the roses, listen to the rain fall, or watch the stars on a clear night. My Big Goals where all that I was thinking about.

Now don't get me wrong...big goals are very, very important. They drive us to great heights and help us to accomplish awesome feats that we never would have thought ourselves capable of if we didn't have big goals in the first place. But the key to success is to have a healthy balance of focus on both and that is very much what I didn't have. My eyes were on the big prize rather than the road to get me there.

God has also shown me, and is still showing me, that the greater the fall is, the greater the healing is. We can never learn enough of this lesson. We may never fully understand why the hurt comes...we just know that it does.

This is a new year. New experiences. New opportunities. New Lessons. I don't know what is to come in the year of 2009 but I do know that if we keep a healthy balance of dreaming of the big things and focusing on the small things we will accomplish great things.

Your's In Writing

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