Friday, May 15, 2009

College: The Two Year Mark

Well, I'm back in the writing saddle again; clicking away at the keys. Hopefully for a while this time. I do have work this summer, trying to pay for college and all, so we'll see how frequently I am drawn to the keyboards calling of my name. Too many times, though, I've seen something that I wanted to write about, that, well, I obviously didn't. As a writer, it's important to write an idea down as soon as you can, or the story behind whatever you see may be gone forever.

I can't believe I'm done with two years of college already. It still seems like just a week ago that I was walking across the gym floor, donned with cap and gown, to shake the Superintendent's hand and receive my diploma. That was May 2007! Two years! A lot has has happened in that time. I've completed fifty-one college credits, I got a job at school, I've met and made friends with most of approximately two-hundred people at school, and, as of today, I've been going out with an amazing girl for about three and a half months.

Over all, I had a bit of a rough semester however I seem to have made it out while remaining relatively unscathed. And, of course, I learned a few lessons along the way. Some new, some old. Actually, they were mostly old lessons that just needed relearning: Patience is a virtue, good things come to those who wait, opposites attract, people as a whole are the same but each individual person is different, and sometimes when you are looking for something, the reason you can't find it is because it's right under you nose, to name a few. Oh, and another one that i feel is worth mentioning: Relationships, whether they be family, friend, or other, are much more important than the petty obstacles that come between them, like a falling out or a misunderstanding. People need to be cared about by other people. Okay, so maybe some people can get by without social interaction for a while, but I think that deep down, everyone needs to be needed. Everyone needs somebody to care about them. When you've built up a relationship with someone, connected with them in some way, they become a part of you. Emotionally, psychologically, everyone that you have a connection with, makes up who you are. And the stronger the relationship, and the deeper the connection, the more it hurts when something happens to damage that connection. It's feels like part of you is lost. That's because they were a part of you.

One more lesson: Don't take people for granted. They don't always stick around like you think they will. Instead, take advantage of the time that you have together. Not everyone is always going to be there. I have experienced this many times over these two years. Some people, like a wonderful great aunt and a co-worker who was also a friend, have died and others, more family and friends, have moved away; all people that I always thought would be around much, much longer. Cherish all friendships because you never know when that person won't be there anymore. Every person that we come in contact with, no matter how small the connection, has an effect on us whether we realize it or not. I look forward to seeing where college, and ultimately life, has yet to bring me and to seeing what God has in store for me along the way. I will cherish every moment that I'm in and each person that crosses my path. I challenge you to do the same.

Your's In Writing

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