Monday, August 8, 2011

Back Again.

So my break from blogging was  a pinch longer than I would have liked, however, I did not break from writing.  My final paper grade just came in, so I am officially done now with my EN 302 summer online course.  But, didn't you just get done with EN 400?  Yes I know, another class taken our of order.  Tis the way my Writing Minor has gone for me.  At any rate, this English class is the cause for my absence, for any (hypothetical) regular reader, or arbitrary visitor who may be concerned as to my whereabouts.  Things may get hectic again, come school year, which is right around the corner (yikes), but it is my hope that I get back into writing regularly.

I had three main papers in English class, Creative Nonfiction, that paralleled the definition of a noun: Profile (person), Place/Event (Place, and an event could be a thing of sorts), Idea (Idea).  With those there was daily work, and minor "papers" such as a periodical essay, a bagatelle, and a final essay.  There were also comments on different readings to be done over the course of the session which, in whole, counted for about the same as on of the minor assignments.

Overall, the class was a really nice experience.  I got to work at my own pace, sort of, and I learned some new techniques and ideas, which is always nice, as well as reenforced some old ones.  I'm looking forward to only having one more English class before finishing my Writing Minor, yet at the same time, I'm kind of sad.  It was having writing classes that really kept me writing.  I do have this blog of course...but the motivation fades when I don't have due dates to least, not ones that I'll be graded on.

After I was all done with my work for this class, I was sitting around and a conversation began playing in my head.  Not one that I have had before, but a new conversation all together.  Too often, think of ideas similar to this one.  Maybe it's a movie idea, or a good prompt for an essay, or something with an equal amount of fuel for writing that won't burn out easily.  And, too often, I let these ideas slide.  I think, Oh I'll writing them down later.  Yea, right.  I needed to capture this idea if it was to have a chance at being anything at all, for me, or anyone else.  Maybe it wouldn't become anything at all, but that would be guaranteed if I didn't write it down at all.  This is something we all need to do.  Because it may not be anything you like, but someday, someone out there may benefit from it.

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