Wednesday, September 14, 2011

And whoosh goes the time.

Yikes!  Another month gone, the events of my Kansas trip, just a fog in my head.  (If I were to write about them now, I would not do them justice.  They do still deserve to be relayed however.)  And the first couple weeks of school are over already as well.  As an attempt to slow down time by writing about it and capturing the moments, the more I am shown how fast it happens.

As a place holder for what has been going on (I hope it will only be that and not the definitive record), I saw my cousin graduate (deserves much more story I promise...he's the reason for the story in the first place after all) got stuck in the Detroit Metro Airport on the way back home, worked at the art building for the rest of the summer, worked a small gig setting up laptops at Northern before classes started, went to fall fest on the first day of classes, and now classes are in full swing.

Current day -  AD 303: Art Review.  I have it Thursdays.  Last week, I had to create and turn in a resume.  Now I am writing my Statement of Intent.  Basically it's an account of what I want to do with my degree and why.  That's for tomorrow.  Right before I turn that in, I have a test to take about "why america loooks this way" which is the art history class I have at noon.  And before that I work from 9-Noon.  I'm back at the AD Monitor station...for now...I'm waiting to hear about work study so I may be out of a job by next week.  It's in God's hands and if I don't get to stay, I pray he'll put on my heart where I should go to apply and a way to get there if I DO get the job.  (Still don't have a car.)

Also today, I volunteered down at the campus TV studio, something I plan on doing for the duration of the semester.  Hopefully, this will lead to a job but if it doesn't, it will be a great experience and I look forward to working with all those people that I met today and more.  It's training for the kind of teamwork I'll be needing to have when I'm out there looking for jobs.

I'm looking forward to this year in general.  I can't quite explain it but I feel like this year is going to be different.  Never mind that it's my fifth year at Northern.  I feel like this year is going to be different than the other four and I'm not sure why but once again, It's in God's hands...

Here's to Year 5!

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