Wednesday, September 5, 2012

At the lake.

An excerpt from journaling on the 24th of august while at the cabin.

It’s 7:44.  Early for me on vacation but actually, I’d like it to be the norm.  I set my alarm for 6.  It went off and my dad came and told me to shut it off.  I felt bad for waking him (and probably mom too) and part of me wanted to go back to sleep.  But somewhere inside of me, the will power to get up took over.  And I’m ever so glad it did.  The previous night, as I have done all nights that we have been here this summer, I pulled the new picture window’s blinds down.  They have this feature where after the shades are down you can pull the top down so that the bottom half (or whatever portion you desire) is shaded but the top is uncovered.  I have done this so that the sun, as it rises, can come in through the window and shine on the rock fireplace wall across the room without blinding me when I wake up.  Shade or not shade, the rising sun coming in through the window gives the room a sort of orange glow.  I believe that this illuminating color was also part of the reason for me being able to pull myself out of bed.  Dad was up already from telling me to turn my alarm off. Together, we looked out the window at the morning sun, slowly climbing up over the treetops about a half-mile across the lake.  And just as beautiful as the sun was rising in the sky, the lake itself was even more so.  The water was as it always is while the sun rises: glass.  I then threw on some shorts and a t-shirt, nearly jumped into my slippers, grabbed my camcorder, hit record and walked down to the lake.  Down the stairs.  Across the grass.  Down some more hill. This is a time of morning that’s so short and I wanted to capture it.  I had the desire the last time we were here earlier this summer but that “pull” of out of bed never occurred.  I had let sleep get the better of me.  I stepped out onto the dock and made my way toward the end.  I took some video with the camera and then decided the clip was too long so I took the same video with some short clips.  The water was moving a little now but they weren’t even ripples.  It’s amazing how much the lake changes in just a short amount of time.  In the 20 minutes it’s taken me to write this, the wind has picked up and waves have begun—nothing like the Great Lakes or certainly the oceans.  It’s certainly still quite calm but it’s bustling compared to before.   Time for coffee.

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