Saturday, September 8, 2012

Well then...

It seems recently in my life that with one answered question , another one pops up.  I do the brave thing.  I pour my heart out.

Let me tell you.  It felt amazing.

Oh I didn't feel good for a couple of days. But. It was a good discomfort.  And if the parties concerned happen to read this, let it be known, I'd do it again.  I should have done it a long time ago.  But you know that already.

When I did begin to feel good again, an understanding settled upon me.  I can do this with everyone when applicable.  I could never tell people how I felt about them in high school; never had the ability, or rather the follow through. (Now having typed that, I realize I did, in fact, tell a few people.  The rejection scared me however, preventing me from continuing in that fashion, instead of giving me the wisdom and courage to carry on.)  I have that now.

But.  Here's the "but".  While it's true that gone is the fear of loosing a friendship through the confession of feelings (if the friendship is strong enough and if it was true, it will be resilient and strengthen), my concern now is that what if I share how I feel with too many people.  How to do I choose?  It sounds dumb but I'm at square one...I'm just looking at a different side of the square.

Your's In Writing

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