Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Whether the Weather.

It has been really quite nice out.  It's a shame I've only gone swimming once so far.  I know this is old news but it's remarkable how fast the summer is going.  I was looking forward to it being like this and now...  Why aren't I out there right at this moment?  I'll go out in a bit.

But it's always "in a bit".  Or "later".  Sometimes, I feel like the king of procrastination.  I'll read my Bible later.  I'll edit all those videos later.  I'll do the laundry later.  I'll go out and mow the lawn in a bit. Even relaxing and going outside to go for a walk or a bike ride.  Later.  And I get in this rut of "oh poor me, I can't do it.  Why am I so lazy?  Yadah yadah yadah."  It makes me sad that I'm so "meh" a lot of the time.  But I keep forgetting that I don't have to try and get out of that rut on my own.  I have an ever-loving, all-knowing, God to help me.  He wants me to enjoy his creation.  To be happy.  He wants me to be productive.  But ultimately he wants me to look to Him to do it.  To be satisfied in Him.

"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him." - John Piper.

This is true Joy.  When we delight in the things that God intended for us and in the way he intended for us to them, we feel this Joy.  A semi-recent sermon I heard at church helped clarify this point.  We may feel "happy" at times via things of this world and the way this world enjoys them.  But it is a temporary happiness that will fade and leave us feeling with a nagging emptiness.  A sense of longing.  God needs to be the reason.  Or at least, in every reason.

With Him, we go be out in his creation, and be productive and take care of the things God has given us.

And enjoy the weather.

Your's In Writing

1 comment:

Tyler Schwartz said...

Nice post! "He wants me to enjoy his creation. To be happy. He wants me to be productive. But ultimately he wants me to look to Him to do it. To be satisfied in Him." Thanks for the reminder!

To commune with the Lord and be satisfied in Him is much more important than being productive. And such communion will generally lead to being more productive (and joyful!). ...Though we need to parse this carefully, lest we turn God into little more than a divine vending machine: it is joy & life IN Christ, not just FROM Christ. I'm thankful to Dr. Piper for his work on this topic.

And yes, I will enjoy the weather - I am determined to reinstate the 3-o'clock walk at my work ;-)