Monday, September 2, 2013

Insomnia The Fourth.

Do you believe in magic?  With all the stories of wizards and vampires of today, and with all the fairy tales of our youth, having it all thrown at makes one wonder.

I believe in God.  I believe he created all things.  I believe the world was spoken into existence.  The cosmos in all their complexity.  Down to the smallest form of anything.  An Atom.  A Quark.  A Planck Length.

By the way, go to this website:  It starts you out at us.  Go to the right and you get bigger.  To the left, smaller.  All the way to the left is a Planck Length.  I'll let you go there and click on it for the explanation for what it is because I read it and I still don't know.

I believe God created all this.  Sure, man has named these things.  But God made these things so.

So if I have to pick between the two, well there's no question as to what that choice is.

But what if I didn't have to choose.  With God, all things are possible.  Now I'm not suggesting that there really is magic in the world.  At least not the way we, as a world, has defined it.  But what is magic in the stories we write?  A power we don't understand.  An unseen force that allows those that posses it to do things that they themselves would not normally be able to do.

Christ performed many miracles in the Bible.  What is a miracle?  It's a thing that is done with a force or power that mere humans don't understand.  To me that sounds wonderful.  To me, that sounds like magic.

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