Wednesday, September 25, 2013



Not "high school crush" heartbreak, or "you made a comment and I took it the wrong way" heartbreak but true, deep, soul wracking heart break.

When you let yourself go.  When you completely trust someone.  When you let someone in.  And then they get ripped away from you.

Not necessarily in a romantic way either.  Though that hurts too.  But it's not the kind of love it is.  It's just love in general.  In this case, it's family love.  I don't have any siblings, but once in a while, friends will take that role.

Most recently, someone came into my life I am able to call "sister".  I let myself go completely.  And now, we may not be allowed to see each other for a while.  And my heart hurts.

At the end of the day, I have God.  But that doesn't mean I'm not going to hurt, just that He will help me through it.  And I pray that I can see my "sister" again soon!

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