Monday, July 7, 2014

The Song Of My Heart

I went for a much needed walk today. They're always needed. Some days more than others. But this was much needed. There's this particular song I like listening to. I identify with it for reasons I don't need to go into. I put the song on repeat, inserted the headphone buds into my hears and headed out.

Music is magical if you believe in that sort of thing. Or miraculous. Science would say it's psychological. In any case, it can invoke feelings in us that can be mood altering. Some people will try to say that a song is just a song. But I know better than that. Every song is a piece of someone or something. It's poetry. Music is expressive. Even those artists that sing other people's songs. Someone wrote that song, poured there heart and soul into that song. Yes there are lighthearted songs that maybe aren't that "deep" but even those are someone's thoughts, which are a part of them. So, every song is a piece of someone. And sometimes, that piece of someone connects or resonates with someone else.

That's what this song does with me. I listened to it on repeat as I walked around my neighborhood.  I let it soak in to my mind, to my soul. I stepped with the beat. The crash of the symbols, the dancing of the piano keys.  I knew people could see me as I moved wildly to the beat of a song they couldn't hear (but isn't life like that anyway?) but I didn't care. I arrived at my old elementary school and laid down in a piece of the playground equipment. I let the song finish one more time and then I stopped the music.
And then I read scripture.  The iPod has been wonderful for that. In places I normally wouldn't carry a Bible or have music to listen to or all these different things, it's all in one. So I read. Nothing in particular. Just whatever the suggested reading in the plan thing the app comes with.

The walk was much needed because I wasn't feeling quite wonderful. Well, okay, who ever does? But I was feeling particularly less not quite wonderful and was in need of some fresh air and solitude. But it turned out I needed that scripture even more. While the song made me feel "good" due to the lyrics or the beat or whatever, the scriptures made me feel better. There's just nothing like absorbing God's word. I listened to Christian music on the way back. It was remarkable what a stark difference I felt on this second half of my outing. Like two different versions of me.

It's all a reminder that God is what's most important in the end. Not people or things. Or expectations or dreams. These aren't bad by any means. They are often God given and should be cherished. But not depended upon. That burden is for God alone to to bare. And it's really not a burden for him.  He created us in need of him. That's the whole point.

We are imperfect and need the Savior to realign our hearts.

And to write the song of our hearts.

Your's In Writing

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