Tuesday, July 22, 2014

When To Trust

As a christian, I both hear from others and say myself that all we need is God. And this is 100% true.  And where there are things that take us away from that, we are to realize that we don't need them that much. This is on a general level. Like if we don't have time in the day to read the Bible or something.  But if we're putting God as the foundation for everything we do that day, then we have time enough for God.

What I wanted to talk about (since I'm on a time crunch) is that sometimes we have desires and worries that get in the way of our time with God. We just need to remember that God has it all under control.  That doesn't mean that we just sit back and let life happen. That's not how it works. Not by a mile. But it DOES mean that as we live our life, what happens in our life is meant for us to learn grow from.  As long as we are keeping God as the foundation.  But what if our thoughts are out of that founded trust in God everyday. What if we have a thought or desire that no matter how much we say, "No God, I'm not going to worry or spend my time thinking about that, I know you've got it taken care of, the thought is persistent. It could be meant to distract us still. It could be a test of our faith. Just how strong is it and will we trust in God, even if we are emotionally beat with that desire or worry.

But what if that thought is from God. When we trust in God and put him at the foundation of our lives, and that though is still there, what if he's giving us that desire to strive towards. What if that desire is meant for us because he wants us to want that. What if that desire comes to fruition. Anywhere from the financially unwise and persistent desire for a motorcycle that birthed a ministry called Zero Gravity. What if it's for a job that doesn't make any sense. That people tell you won't work, but you just can't shake it.  But what if it's for a mate or thing or an event or an idea. These desires and concerns could map out the rest of your life.

We just have to ask ourselves if God is foundation. And pray a lot.  And trust God, that no matter what our desires are, he has a future in mind and knows the end result. And if we're trusting in God, that result is better than anything we could ever imagine. I know I'm looking forward to what he has in store for me.

Your's In Writing

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