Monday, March 23, 2015

Respectful Bubble Popping

There are some people I've come across that just don't share a lot of themselves with other people. And that's understandable. Everyone is entitled to their privacy as well as an element of mystique. After all, not everyone would understand. We all walk different paths and are at different levels of maturity while we're on this planet but not everyone is able to come to terms with other people's walks.

Some of those people, when you become friends with them, show a little bit more of themselves. They trust you so they are more themselves around you. You're able to peel back the layers and see the "true them".

This seems to be shaky ground though. Because,  what if you're friends with someone but they're still standoffish. I could easily see someone putting up walls of protection because they've been hurt or misunderstood. And I could also easily see them putting up those walls but also wanting to see how far these friends of theirs will go to break them see how much they care. How does that go? Good friends respect your space, best friends know they don't need to? Something like that.

So how do you know the difference between when do delve and when leave well enough alone?

If you ever figure that out, let me know.

Your's In Writing

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