Wednesday, April 6, 2016

What the heck?

A lot can happen in a year. I registered a business name, but haven't done really anything with it yet. I worked at the local bowling alley for about six months. Got another part time job at a local radio station but we're in the down season now. I went to a bagillion weddings last summer. Okay, so like three. I've been on a Board of Directors for a couple years now and we finally own the theatre we were always trying to raise money to buy. I played Shroeder in "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown".  I wrote a book in November for NaNoWriMo (needs serious editing). I procrastinated working on video projects (still in progress). I dated a friend of mine for a couple months. I laughed. I cried.

Here's to living.

Apologetically, still very much,

Yours In Writing.

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