Sunday, August 16, 2009


Where has the time gone? This summer flew by. Today is the sixteenth. I move back to school on the twentieth. I have three new roommates; a new adventure that will be fun to experience. One of the other three, I know from high school. He has roomed with one of the other two in the past. The other two have roomed together and I was their house mate in the dorms. Needless to say, we all know each other already. We have gotten pretty close and although we may have our differences, I think, God willing, that we are going to get along just fine.

It's amazing, thinking back to the early years of school, how many friends I never thought I'd make. I never thought I would fit in even though that is the very thing that I longed to do. It is ironic how now, after being blessed with plenty of friends, there are friendships that I'm trying to make (or rekindle) that I may never get to see. There have been some that have stopped talking to me after some confrontation that may have very well been my fault. Others have branched into a direction in life that has taken them away from contact. And then there are those who, no matter where they are, I've just simply lost touch with.

There were and are so many friends that, no matter how sure I was that I was going to be able to get together with, I just wasn't able to. After some more thought though, was it really because I "wasn't able to" or rather because I didn't take the initiative to call? I hung out with quite a few friends this summer but the ones I saw the most, I see at school all the time. In contrast, I barely saw the friends that I rarely see. It makes me think where my priorities really are and what I've got my goal meter set at as far as visiting with people and getting things accomplished. I mean sure I had work this summer but there was ample opportunity to go out and do things. For tonight, I think I will chalk it up to being lazy, but at the same time I know there's more to it than that. Unfortunately, the "more" part isn't exactly an easy answer to find. I know in the end, God is there and I can bring anything to him.

For now,

Your's In Writing

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