Wednesday, October 7, 2009

June, July...October?

Once again, time has eluded me.  One moment I'm swimming in Lake Antoine on a cool summers day and then next I'm getting ready for mid-terms?!?  I have not one, not two, but three art classes this semester... and then choir.  One of them is a hot cold class if you will.  I'm either doing great on an assigment or terrible.  (This teacher doesn't give A's unless it's really something, so a "B" means  you worked hard good and faithful student.  Anything else is "a start."  The next classes is all about participation.  Do the assignment according to the parameters of what we are supposed to do and you get an "A."  Hmmm.  So in the first class, you have to try to get anything better than a "C" and in the second, you have to try to get anything less than an "A"...... Ahhh College.  The third class, I am retaking.  Not even going to go there.  Show Choir is a challenge.  Choreography, lyrics, notes, stressed people the closer we get to performance day, and enough crazy to drive an elephant  up the side of the Burj Dubai.

But Midterms?  Already?  And into my THIRD year of college.  This means that a number of the friends that I made during my freshman year are either gone or are getting ready to go.   And the ones that ARE still here, I hardly see.  Of course there are some of my old comrades a grade or two behind me in high school that are now attending Northern.  I can get in touch with them. But everything and everyone is moving so fast.  I've been thinking about my four years in high school a lot lately for some reason.  Maybe it's because the everything seems to be going by so fast that my brain is trying to hold onto older memories in hopes of remembering something because it's giving up on trying to remember the present.  I don't really know, I'm just rambling at this point.  I'm tired, it's the morning.  I got off of work at 3:00.  I'm now sitting at the kitchen table in my apartment.  Yes, I have an apartment, that's a new development, i'll have to come back to that one at a later date.  Anyways I'm sitting at the kitchen table.  Polishing off the smoked cheddar while thinking of some of those old times.  The cheese is not sitting well which may be due to the fact that the "sell by date" was a week ago.  No matter. 

Good ol' times, right.  

Marching band.  Oh how I hated shivering on the sidelines at the homegames with my fingers just short of being frozen to the keys of my saxophone.  It may have only been 40-50 degrees at it's coldest but with the uniforms we had, we might as well have been wearing tangtops and short shorts.  I should take this time to clarify that we were wearing fill length uniforms that look warm enough but instead of keeping us warm, it amplifed the weather by 100%.  As was in the summer as well.  Same exact uniform.  If it was 75-85 degrees in the air, then it was 85-105 in our uniforms.  Many more memories...falling asleep.  I have countless memories of being in drama club but one that seems to stick especially well is this one time when our drama coach told me to take my pills.  This would seem innocent enough except for the fact that I don't take pills and she knows it.  All in good fun.  So many good memories.  Choir, jazz band at 7:00 in the morning,  passing notes inbetween class; and lunch.  I could write a book about all the stories I have from lunch.  For some reason, there was a bat in the cafeteria one day.  It was flying around, doin it's thing.  People were ducking, covering their hair, the usual antics that accompany a bat scare.  One friend of mine felt compelled to catch the thing and so at just the right moment, as it was flying by, he sprung out his arm (sprung is the only word that accurately describes it) and caught the creature by It's feet...My friend was a ninja, or if not then he might as well have been.
They all seem like yesterday...

My third year of college...THIRD year...

Well anyways i'm going to go to bed...and wake up in 2012

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