Monday, November 9, 2009

The Letter

I had this idea a few years ago and then forgot about it.  The other day it came to mind again in just the right setting with just the right words.  This is by no means the only way this can be done and i took the idea from a couple of books that by David Gregory.  For those of you who know who that is, then you already know what this is about.  For those who don't, I hope you enjoy anyway and that you come away from reading this with a different feeling in your heart.

The Letter


This is just me checking up on you, seeing how things are going.  I haven't heard from you in a while now.  I miss your talks.  We used to talk a lot, you and me.  Well, I guess it was mostly you talking and me listening but I want you to know that I was listening.  I imagine you're all grown up now.  By my count, you should be in college with your nose in the books.  I don't know if I ever told you but I never went to college.  I was always pretty good with my hands so I went into carpentry.  I probably could have been a counselor or a teacher.  I always loved kids.  Don't let my not going to college give you any ideas though.  I remember how determined you were when you were little and with an attitude like yours, you will go far!

I'm going to go now, I have a building project I'm working on that I'm pretty sure you're going to like.  I'll show you when I'm done.  Before I go, I just want you to know that I'm still here.  Anytime that you feel like going to for a walk or talking for a bit, just let me know.  I will always be here for you, even if it doesn't seem like I am.  I hope to hear from you soon!


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