Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What are the odds?

In english class today, shortly after taking my usual seat along the far wall opposite the door, I heard a faint buzzing sound. Normally, buzzing sounds are of no concern to me; white noise, if you will, to the surrounding world, but this one stood out among the others. I almost instantly recognized the sound, but I couldn't be absolutely sure. I had to pinpoint the sound's origin. I saw her; red-haired girl along the windowed wall on the side of the room was holding the device that was making this iconic noise. Not only, was I pleased to discover that my suspicions were correct but also, that I remembered that I had one of the same thing with me at this very moment. I excitedly searched through the pockets of my backpack and upon finding what I was looking for, pulled it out and dramatically pressed the one of the devices two buttons. The girl looked over and laughed and another girl said what are the odds? We were holding sonic screwdrivers.

A Sonic Screwdriver, for those of you who don't know, is from the science fiction show, Doctor Who. Upon the press of either of two buttons, emits a blue LED light and makes a noise that is best described as a combined buzz and whistle. "The Doctor", the main character in the show, has one of these devices and uses if for just about anything and everything from lighting a room, to blowing up bad guys, to opening pretty much any lock in existence.

What are the odds? Two people who recognize each other from class but never talk to each other, having something in common such as this. Actually the odds are most likely pretty good. It's an example, though, of how much we don't talk to and or get to know people that are around us most of if not all of the time, and of how much we tend to take people for granted. I am, sadly, guilty of this. I feel that it's really important to get to know everyone you meet to some degree or another. It may not be a very deep connection, but there should be something there that brings them back for more, so to speak. I guess that sounds a little weird. Let me try a different approach. Too many times, we meet someone in passing. The usual "conversation" goes something like:

"Hi, my name is______. What's your name?"

or if you already know them...

"Hey, how are you today?
"Good, how are you?

Sound familiar? These are good conversation STARTERS, but often, this is all of the dialogue that takes place. I feel that we, as people, need to branch out away from our comfort zones and have more of an in depth conversation with people. Find a common denominator. Like with the girl and the sonic screwdriver that I just happen to have one of in my backpack. I need to talk to her about how long she's had hers, which character is her favorite, and if she's excited for the next season. I want to connect with people in this way, randomly and for no apparent reason, more often, and I implore you to do the same.

Your's In Writing

1 comment:

MkMiku said...

Ya, through blogging I've found out how important it is to connect to people. So many people have so many interesting stories to tell. Sometimes you never know unless you ask