Sunday, August 15, 2010

My summer in review-Part 2

I didn't end up taking that shower and I didn't make it to work till a little after two but that's okay. Now let's see, where was I...ah yes.

Towards the end of the third week of working on the playground set thingy, I got a call from someone I know that I have a class with. He had just recently acquired a job, needed another person, and knew that I was looking for work.

"I have a job for you" says he.

We talked on the phone for a bit and I said I'd try it out. We would be cleaning the local movie theaters. The hours were crappy but the money was good. I said I'd do it and went in the day after. We just did the theater downtown to start with and then added the bigger one over on the highway a couple nights later. We had leaf blowers that blew all of the popcorn and whatever else was on the floor to the front of the room. At the bigger theater, we used one that went on your back and reminded me of the Proton Packs from Ghost Busters. After about a week, He took the larger theater and I took the smaller one. He was going to be staying on and I would be quitting once school began in the fall. There is no way I would be able to have classes on and off from 10-4 work my job at school AND work at the theater. I'd never sleep and my grades would suffer. Working at the theater was a wonder opportunity but it would have to be temporary. Today is Sunday, Tuesday night will be the month mark and will be my last night. I have a quick stint at Laptop distribution and then back as a Deskie.

It's interesting though. I half suspect that the theater is Haunted. But then I don't know if i believe in ghosts. I do believe in spirits, evil and good, though I don't know why either would be chilling in movie theater. The Delft is pretty old though. It was remodeled once or twice but that was a long time ago so that's old too now. It's mostly just noises from the ice machine in the lobby to the air vents in the theaters kicking in. Then there's the occasional muscle car outside with the bass cranked up as it's leaving the bars, rattling the buildings as it goes by. The power did flicker on me once as I was reaching for the breaker to close up for the night but it only happened once. As tough as the hours are and despite the eerie feeling I get when I go in the upstairs projector room, I'm going to miss the place.

Working at the theater has given me an idea for a suspense movie for when I become a writer/producer some day (I hope). I won't disclose the idea here because I don't want anyone to take it. Not that anyone actually reads my blog aside from my one follower as of present (thank you by the way :D ) and then anyone who I show it too. But still, ya can't be too careful these days. :P

Once again, summer has gone by horribly fast. I need to get out more. Go swimming, jogging, biking. I keep saying I'm going to but I never do. I've been biking but I don't know if that counts because it's to and from work. I did go swimming the other day that I will save that adventure for another time. Time to relax a few hours before work...although I've been relaxing all day so I don't know why I need to relax anymore than I already have. Perhaps I just said that to make a better ending to this blog rather than stopping it cold...

Your's In Writing

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