Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Writing: Creative vs. Intellectual

Second day of classes. Second day of english. We discussed the idea of whether or not Writing, as a subject, can be taught or if it is something that is inherently imbedded in us and is either there or isn't.

So what is writing? Is it just the rules? Is it the creative process? Is it something we all have and it just needs to be unveiled? Or is it something only a privileged few of us have. The opinions were somewhat weighted to one side. It was largely thought among the class that writing could not be taught...That you can learn the mechanics of writing and the rules of writing but that the creative process can't be taught. It has to be absorbed and or created...absorbed by reading other authors and mimicking or avoiding their styles and created as one thinks and reflects on those thoughts, expressing inner emotions. This is somewhat along the lines of how our teacher summed up the classes ideas.

I agree with this for the most part. I say "for the most part" because it seems like writing is a little of both and not just one or the other. A mutual symbiosis between the intellectual and the creative. Perhaps not the best explanation of the different aspects of writing but I feel that it gets the main point across. An analogy I thought of in class only when it was too late was that of Life itself. After all, what is living? Is it inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide for the purpose of fueling our cells with energy to make us go? Or is it growing up, getting a skinned knee, going to school, having a first kiss, graduating, going to college, getting a job, having a family, going to France or Italy on vacation and seeing the world... Or is it both? Because there's more to life than just breathing but without breathing, we would have no life. I think that writing is the same.

As you already know, I like-no-LOVE writing and is, to me, just as important as breathing, so the analogy was a natural one. I just wasn't quick enough. But to continue and recap, writing is something that fuels me just like oxygen. It's oxygen for my soul I guess.

Your's IN Writing.

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