Saturday, August 14, 2010

My summer in review-Part 1

Did somebody say it's August?

I'm beginning to wonder if I should have called my blog something having to do with some sort of pun on how time goes by so fast, because despite my early (and continued) ambitions about blogging, I can't seem to be as diligent as I planned. The last time I wrote, it was June. Now here it is two months later and school has almost begun.

A few things have happened since June. For starters, July happened. No I didn't say that in attempt to be funny although I won't complain if it brought a chuckle or two. My girlfriend and I went down to Marquette's Lower Harbor and watched the fireworks which were spectacular. There was a chance we weren't going to go because the clouds in the sky looked grim and it had begun to precipitate. The rain stopped just in time though. It was as though it was hanging around until the fireworks started and then stopped especially for them. While we were walking around before the show started, we ran into a couple people that she, and or, I knew. One was my friend Andy and his brother Ben. I know him from back home but have been out of contact for a while. It's nice to know that there are people that you can be out of contact with but are the type of friend that you can just pick right back up with. We did just that. He said that he was spending the summer here with his sister and that he too was looking for work.

About a week or so later, I got a call from someone a few blocks away who need help building something. Earlier that summer, Christy and I had put my name on the temporary student employment list. This is where I had gotten the call from. The "something" was a medium sized play-scape (the only real way to describe it because it had everything from all the usual play set items to a picnic table and a small climbing wall). My temporary employer asked me to come alone the first day and see how long it would take me and what kind of help I would need and then to come with them the next day. My first thought was Andy. I called him.

The first day, I went on my own and met the couple. They were really nice! They had five kids all under the age of 8. Three were there's and two were adopted but they were all very nice and visited the ongoing project frequently. I also sorted wood so that finding it would be easier when construction began. The next day Andy and I went and started piecing together the four tightly packed boxes of wood that were laying in wait for us in he garage. It was a great experience working with this long lost friend of mine. It was definitely God bringing us together to work. We'd quote movies, and talk about the old days and be silly in general.

It ended up taking as about three weeks to finish the thing due to both of us having classes with homework. We weren't professionals by any means and the final product wasn't perfect but our clients were more than happy to have it done. Another reason for the delayed completion was that by the end of the third week, I was blessed with another job. I'll save that for for later. Andy left on the fourth of August, and so that was my July. I ended up getting an A in Biology. After those six weeks were up, I started Mythology and Good Books in which I received a B+ and an A- respectively. It all went by terrible fast but I'm glad I did it because it raised my GPA and It got me to read some books I wouldn't have normally read. That too, I will save for later. Time for me to get some food, cool off with a cold shower (It's soooo hot right now) and get ready for work which today starts at one o'clock, which I guess is technically tomorrow.

Your's In Writing

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