Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Youtube Boob at last!

As I've said before, I love writing with a heartfelt passion but it's only my minor.  What I love overall is storytelling.  Bringing someone along on an adventure.  And writing is a BIG part of that.  However, we can't forget the movies.  Movies are a timeless tool in making people laugh, making them cry, making their hair stand on end out of fear, and entertaining them all around.  For decades, people have gathered around a screen to watch a story that's different from their own.  Be it at the drive-ins, in a theatre, or in their living room, families and friends have been entertained through the art of filmmaking.  This is my major.  Before the age of the internet filmmakers either made it big or they didn't make it at all.  Now, thanks to technology, we can be our own storytellers and I have joined the ranks.  It isn't Hollywood, but for me, it's a start to bigger and better things.  Out of all the short pieces that I've made, I've only posted one.  I plan to upload more in the future of course but for now, it'll get me started.

I won't post everything I've ever made either.  Just the best of the best of what I've done.  I make no claim that I'm the top of my class - there are those that I've taken courses with that I feel are far my superiors.  And I apologize now for any video quality issues you may encounter.  I don't remember if I clicked the option to "prepare for internet streaming" (I certainly never thought I'd be putting my work on the internet) so It may not be as clean as it could be.  I take critiques openly and look forward to hearing (or reading) what people have to say and I hope you all enjoy what I've done.

Here's my Channel-->

See you at the movies

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I am now DONE with my english story. Well, ok. It will be in a constant state of being fine tuned from now until I turn it in sometime saturday but for conversation's sake, I have a complete first draft. I had a bit of trouble figuring out what I wanted to do next but I forced myself to just write something regardless of if I was going to use it or not and tadah! Ideas began flowing. Even though it is still in a constant state of revision an fine tuning, it feels good to have an ending to my story that makes sense. I feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

But, when weight is lifted, another one is added. I will, very soon, be needing to shift my attentions over to storyboarding/filming for the upcoming voice over project. I thought it would be weird taking Intro to Digital Cinema over again and although I am aware that it is a repeat, it doesn't feel that strange. With that said, I'm being challenged by coming up with new ideas apart from the ones that I had when I took the class the first time around.

AND...There is a show choir concert Sunday which I don't know if we're going to be ready for but somehow we are always magically ready when it's time to perform. I don't know what it is but it happens every time without fail. I hope the miracle keeps up to it's reputation this time!

Your's In Writing

Monday, February 7, 2011

Well that's a relief!

After a somewhat stressful week, I'm finally beginning to catch back up to where I'm supposed to be. First I got behind with photography when my first assignment took my by surprise. It turned out that there was a problem with one of the printers and so anyone who was without an assignment that Monday would be able to turn it in Wednesday instead. That date got pushed to today however because school was cancelled that day. Not because of a snow day like one would expect up here in the UP, but because of a threat that the university received that kept mostly everyone in doors for the rest of the day. <-- Here is an article that sums up what is known so far about what exactly went down.

I turned that assignment in as well as the one that was already due for today. Last night, I got my filming done for digital cinema (the class I'm retaking) and today I put it on the server to worked on during class tomorrow. AND...the Packers won the Super Bowl which was SAWEEEET!!!! Overall, a lot of things seem to be coming together and I thank God for them. I've had a roller coaster of time with Him in the past couple of years and yet He continues to bless me anyways. (ok so technically, the packers winning wasn't a blessing to me per say but it certainly made my week a little better.)

I'm still praying about the Library Job. It looks like they're filled for now so I'm praying that they find a need for one or two more and that I fit the bill. But if I don't get the position, God has plans for me and he will reveal them to me in his time. And now, I'm praying for whomever it was that started the threat on our campus. I pray that they come to know God and that they will come to terms with what they did. School shootings of the past have been horrible occurrences and I'm so thankful that it didn't come to that here at Northern.

Your's In Writing