Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Rant

I wanted to rant about people and flirting too much but this just isn't going to go there.

Instead, I'm going to talk about communication and how some people suck at it.  Seriously.  If something is bothering you, tell the person.

From the negative...
Could you please stop chewing with your mouth open.
Pick your clothes up off the floor.
Look, there's something we need to talk about.

To the positive...
Hey, I think you're cool, we should hang out.
I like what you've got on today.
Thank you for being a great friend, you're more than I deserve and I'm thankful for having you in my life.

To the in between...
I'm uncomfortable with this situation.
I don't really feel welcome here.
I'd really like some time by myself for a bit.  It's nothing against you, I just want some "me" time.

For some reason, we don't do well with confrontation of any kind.  We don't want to be viewed as stuck up, a suck up, or anywhere in between that might have a negative connotation.  So we just don't even try.  But the ironic thing is that through our inactivity we are can often be viewed either as the stereotypes that we are trying to avoid or as the exact oposite of the spectrum which isn't any better.

But it's just so important for us to communicate.  See we sometimes don't feel comfortable communicating with people we barely know.  But in truth, it's impossible to get to know someone until you begin to communicate with them.  Sometimes you just have to take the plunge and be uncomfortable.  And work past it.  Can it suck for those of us who don't have a natural talent at opening up to people? Yes.  But too bad.

Quit being sissies (including myself) and get out there and communicate!  Open up to people.

That's all I've got.

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