Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I work at a bookstore now!  So exciting!  I've been at it around a month now.  I told myself I was going to keep track exactly the day I started.  But just like a lot of other things I tell myself I'm going to do and or keep track of, I didn't.

Something I'll have to work on.

Two of my shifts are closing shifts.  In my head, they are the most stressful.  There's a lot involved, twice as much as opening.  I enjoy both but it's pressure.  But this job feels right.  Working in a bookstore.  It just feels right.


I love the smell in the air after rain.  "Petrichor."  According to doctor who it's the smell of dust after rain.  Wikipedia says it's the smell of the earth.  I don't know :P  But it smells wonderful and it smelled like that last night when I got home from work after closing.  It reminds me of so many other times it smelled like that.  Of my childhood.  Of summer.  When I was getting done with work, I heard a hissing noise that took me a bit to register as rain.  I looked out the window and sure enough...  It was odd because it was really warm all day.  And here it was raining.  REALLY raining.  I locked up and made a bee line for the van, passing a couple of kids in the car next to mine that may or may not have been involved in, well, each other.  The desire to be as dry as possible was stronger than any curiosity I had.  The last part of the closing shift entails driving to the bank to the night deposite.  As I did this, it continued to pour.  But as I drove home it started to lighten up.  By the time I pulled up next to my house, it had nearly stopped, only the lightest of rains remained.  And as I stepped out of the vehicle, petrichor hit my nostrils.

It's a subtle reminder that no matter the unexpected storms that life throws your way, something beautiful will always follow.

Your's In Writing

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