Saturday, June 8, 2013

With Great Power...

How do I start this?

I'm changing.  For the better I'm sure.  I hope.

I'm learning and relearning so many things.  And one thing has become abundantly clear: everyone has a dark side.  The problem with being empathetic is that yours is a reflection of others as well as your own ghosts.

And being able to sense things.  Not like a psychic or anything.  But being able to understand certain situations and attitudes and read between the lines.

It's frustrating when you can help and that person won't let you.  You don't know why, or how.  You just know you can.  You can feel it as deep as the marrow in your bones.  You know it to be true.  And you are resisted at nearly every turn.

Nearly every turn.  But not all.

So where is it?  My way in?  What's the key?

With great power comes great responsibility. A movie quote, yes.  But a good one.  To paraphrase something that someone else told me, if you have the ability to do something [in a helping sense], then you also have the responsibility to do it.  If you can [help] then you should.

But how do I help someone who doesn't want to be helped?

Why am I changing - gaining an understanding of these abilities - if I can't even use them?

All in good time I trust.  But the waiting is killing me.

Your's In Writing

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