Sunday, January 2, 2011

The New Year: Two Zero Double One

2011. I don't know if I'm quite ready but no one on God's green earth has discovered time travel (probably for the better) and so I'm here, stuck with the reality that is now. It's the second of the new year. Yesterday I spent a good part of my day at my aunts for a New Years party. We ate snacks there as we normally do when we're over there, as well as watch the Rose Bowl and talk to relatives we don't get to see so often. My girlfriend was able to join us and that was a special treat for me. She had met them all once before at my cousin's wedding reception a little over a year before. Now we were all together again making googly eyes at the their few month old baby.

The party as a whole helped me to realize just how fast the year went. I know, there I am again talking about how time goes by fast. Well it does. It still feels like this last semester just got over regardless of the fact that the new one starts in a week. Perhaps it is time for me to make a new years resolution. My normal practice at New years is to state that "this year, I resolve not to make any New Year's. I have one for this year though. I read an article a while back about how to slow down time. The actual title of the article was: Become your own Time 'Lord'. Of course this caught my attention. I read through it and although it said nothing about staring into the untempered schism it DID highly suggest that I seek out new experiences rather than spending my days staring at a TV screen. This is what I want to resolve to do. All to often I am simply go through the motions of the day. Get up, brush my teeth, get dressed, go to class, and so on and so forth. Sure I play games once in a while or go for a walk but not nearly enough and as soon as I've done these things, why not document my experience here? Because I've noticed that plenty of time bridges the gap between the majority of these blog posts. And it's not like I don't have the time. I think the reason I don't write as often in between is that I fear that the little things are too mundane to write about. Thinking about it though, I can't wait for an interesting story that happened to me come along, I have to make each and every experience that DOES happen interesting in it's own right. Because not all stories are as interesting as others but that doesn't mean that the less interesting ones can't inspire lessons in life or be connected to other experiences in life be they mine or someone else's.

Happy New Year!

Your's In Writing

p.s. The article: Become Your Own Time 'Lord', can be found here -->

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