Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Now that I'm all settled in...

Here we are now. Winter 2011. My mom's birthday was Saturday and mine was Sunday. My parents came up to Marquette for my birthday and the three of us and Christy went to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings. Christy and I have been there plenty but my parents hadn't yet and they really enjoyed it.

And yet again I find myself marveled at the speed of time. I have a year left after this semester if everything goes right. I'm retaking one of my Digital Cinema classes this semester for the grade. I missed the grade point minimum for Senior Art Review by .03 repeating. Can you believe that?

This is going to be a busy semester. That's the opposite of what I thought it would be. Thanks to the retake, it's run around everywhere like a chicken with my head cut off.

I really need to keep in touch with some people. I gotten out of touch with quite a few. My mom reminded me of this fact the other day. It wasn't something I really wanted to hear but it was sobering and of course it made me realize that she was right. The problem is that they're all busy too. I think though, that if you really want to, that you'll find the time. I think that should be another New Years resolution. Reconnect with some people that I have fallen out of touch with. Just a few people here and there. Not everyone all at once of course. That would be insane. But a a few. The ones that I see but don't talk to that often for starters. Then I'll branch out. I've said that I would do this in the past and didn't but look at me, I'm writing more often (so far). That shows that I can follow through with a resolution. I won't check writing off the list by any means, the day I do is the day I'm done writing. But I AM working on it and it's time that I start work on getting in touch with people too! (If I don't turn out to be as good at it as I hope I will be, don't be afraid to beat me to it and contact me first!)

I'm going to go take a shower now because I need one and because I'm clearly not working on my homework. Sorry, that was random.

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