Sunday, April 21, 2013

Happy 60th Posting. Maybe not happy.

I put off my 60th posting because I wanted it to be cool.  I wanted it to be something awesome.  I story, or a poem, or even just...I don't know.  And now, because I put it off, it's going to be sad.  I guess that's a lesson not to put things off.  Because when you have expectations of something, you build it up.  You get excited.  Some times, most of the excitement is in the anticipation.  And then when you get to the's not what you'd thought.

That's not always the case.  But here it is.

When will I learn not to put people up on pedestals? Jesus is the only human that belongs there. Because he was not only 100% human, but 100% God as well.  I know that doesn't make sense to a lot of people.  Admittedly, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me either.  But faith allows me to accept that whether I understand that or not.

And it's not bad to put your faith in other things.  Not entirely.  We put faith a chair when we sit on it.  We trust that it's not going to collaps underneath us.  And we put faith in our food, that it's not going to make us sick.  Maybe those aren't the best examples.  I think the point is made though.  And we put our faith in people too.  In our friends and family that they will always be there.

One of my worst fears is that I will an annoyance and a burden to the people I care about.  Don't worry, I'm not going to check out early. God put me on this earth and when, and only when, God decides to take me home is when I'll go.  In the mean time, I'm here to stay.  But sometimes I feel like some of the people I care about, when I try to help them, I make it worse.  I would never do anything to hurt my friends.  Not intentionally.  And anything I say in the form of advice or opinion is not direction.  I don't have all the answers.  But I do comment on what I observe.  And if you've been there for me, I'll be darned if I'm not going to be there for you.

I don't know.  There's more but I could go on and on for a while and I would just be repeating myself.

Bottom line, I care about you, I will always be there for you.  I might judge you momentarily, but that's out of my own faults.  When it counts, my arms are always open and my shoulder is always free. And my ear is always listening. And you will forever be in my heart.  We may grow apart at times, and we may not always be able to talk.  And we may have a falling out and it may seem like we aren't friends anymore but an apology for the time lapsed, a conversation and some happy tears, and we're back in business.  Because once you're a friend of mine, you're one for life.

Your's In Writing

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