Friday, April 26, 2013

It's a brand new day! :)

I messed up.

I know that sentence is contradictory from the smiley face in the title.  But it will make sense when you are done reading this.

Basically you can ignore the previous post.  It's pretty much true but I didn't say it the right way. So if you haven't then you really don't need to bother.

THIS post though.  This one is going to be amazing.

I would like to tell you a story...

The november before last, I met a pretty cool person.  But I didn't know it at the time.  I re-met her the following summer.  That was a summer ago.  We hung out, we shared some struggles, and we became close.  Since then, I have upset her, and I have made her laugh, and I have probably made her cry though I'd be surprised...honored...but surprised if she ever admitted that to me.  But we have been fantastic friends.

Recently, she confided in me.  And I mean this was the confiding of ALL confiding.   And I broke her trust.  I had my reasons...I didn't know what to do, I was worried, and I hadn't ever dealt with anything like that before.  But, I was still in the wrong.  And for that I will forever be sorry.  It will be with me for the rest of my days.  And she may forgive me tomorrow and we will all be peachy again, or she may never fully forgive me, or anything in between.  And I pray to God that I can build that trust back up again.

All this aside.  I have learned some things.  Some amazing, wonderful, sad, happy, beautiful things.

One thing I have learned is when a dear friend tells you they need space, give it to them.  They may actually need that space and you thinking they "need" comfort could actually be stressing them out more.  Or they actually do need comfort even though they say they don't.  If the second is true, still give it to them.  Because they need to figure that out on their own and they will come to you when they do.

Something else I learned was that people, even friends, will lie to you on occasion.  Don't be mad at them, they have their reasons wrong or right.  Just be standing by for them when they are ready to tell you the truth.  Because whether or not they do tell you the truth, what's important is that they understand that you aren't upset at them for it.  Hurt? Yes.  But, are still there for them just the same.

I also learned that there is so much power that comes with believing in yourself and in others.  Sometimes you get let down but that just builds a tough outer shell.  Without that, we would be broken. We need that.  And just because there is that tough outer shell, doesn't mean that we aren't soft on the inside.  Because love...true, unconditional caring for someone...wins out in the end.

There is more. A LOT more.  But I need to be getting to sleep.  So let me leave you with this.  Regardless of where my friendship with this person goes - no matter what road it takes - my life has truly been changed.  I owe this friend more than I could ever repay her.  So to her, I say thank you.  I hope that when it counts, I have positively impacted you're life, even remotely to the way you have  positively impacted mine.

And may there be many more wonderful days to come!

Yours In Writing

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