Monday, April 29, 2013

Waiting For Trust

It hurts.  I broke your trust.  I know.  And it will be a while before we are anywhere back to where we were before.  I know our friendship will never be the same.  I just mean the level of trust.  Today was a start though.  Still, when you avoid answering some things I ask...I know I broke your trust but does that mean that you stop acting trustworthy toward me? And when you don't answer...or makes me thing the answer is "no".  I know there are things you don't want to talk about.  Maybe never talk about.  But help me build my trust back.  Help me be someone that you will never avoid answering a question from.  You might hurt my feelings with the answer but I want to know the truth.  I want to know where I stand.  You want space?  I give you space (I know how to do that now).  You want a listening ear, then that' what I am.  I'll try to keep other conversation topics for a different time. I'm sorry I did that today.  I made it about me, and it was supposed to be about you.  So I am truly sorry for that.  I'm learning, I'm getting there, and waiting for me to figure it out will be worth it I assure you.

And I'm sure I'm making it worse.  If you read this.  I just...this is how I vent.  When I can't talk about things...I don't want to be "that guy" on Facebook making all the statuses and posts about how sad I am. I'm sure I will at some point but I'll try and keep them to a minimun, because I realize how depressing that could be for you, and I know that's the last thing you need.

Help me know what to do to get back your trust.  No matter how long it takes.  But in your own time.  I cherish your friendship a whole lot, and I never want to mess that up again.

Anyway...I don't brain stopped.  Goodnight.

Yours In Writing

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